August 27

Lesson Plans: August 28th – September 1st

*Due to the Shirley Atkins tournament last week, we will begin our 1st unit this week.*

Monday & Tuesday – We will start by reviewing common science root words, and going over last weeks assignment. Depending on time, we may begin the first unit, Matter and Energy, at the end of Monday’s class, or starting Tuesday.

In our lesson, Atomic Structure and Elements, students will learn:

  1. About the relationship between an atom and element.
  2. How protons, neutrons, and electrons are arranged to form an atom.
  3. How can electrons be gained and lost from an atom.

Wednesday – Begin working on Atomic Structure practice worksheet.  This will not be for homework as we will complete it on Friday.

Thursday – Complete the Atomic Structure practice worksheet.

Friday – Will begin discussing the differences between Molecules & Compounds, and how their properties are different from the atoms they come from. Students will be given study notes to guide in discussion. This will carry over into the following week.

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  • Recognize that atoms and molecules are too small to be seen.
  • Identify examples of elements, compounds, molecules, and diatomic molecules.
  • Describe how the properties of a compound are different from the properties of the elements that form the compound.
  • Draw atomic diagrams of elements, compounds, and diatomic molecules.
  • Build models of elements, compounds, and diatomic molecules.

Posted August 27, 2023 by bohnj in category Class Updates, TEKS, TEKS 6.01, TEKS 6.02, TEKS 6.03, TEKS 6.04, TEKS 6.05

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