October 29

Lesson Plans: October 30th – November 3rd

Monday – Unit 3 Test Review.

  • This will cover identifying rocks and minerals, classifying rocks as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic, labeling parts of the rock cycle diagram, labeling Earth layers and Earth features at tectonic plate boundaries, and describing the three types of tectonic plate boundaries.

Tuesday – Grade a go over test review.  Gimkit game with test questions.

Wednesday – Unit 3 Test

Thursday & Friday – Begin Earth Layers Project.

  • In this project students will work together to create their own Earth Layers Model.  Groups will decide the materials they need to bring in order to construct a model representing the compositional and physical layers of Earth.

October 8

Lesson Plans: October 9th – 13th

Monday – We will work on our unit test review over Physical Properties.  This will include questions from our lessons on Mass, Volume, Density, and Physical Properties of Minerals.  This will be due on Tuesday, October 10th, to be graded.

Tuesday – Grade and go over the test review.  Study and correct review. Get review signed for bonus points on test.

Wednesday – Unit 2 TEST over Physical Properties.

Thursday & Friday – We will begin to learning about the rock cycle, and the 3 different types of rocks that make it up; sedimentary, metamorphic. and igneous.



October 1

Lesson Plans: October 2nd – 6th

Monday – We will complete the following learning skills on IXL for Science; Calculating density and Understanding conservation of matter using graphs.

Tuesday – We will begin looking at some of the physical characteristics of minerals, their composition, and how they occur naturally. Students will also learn how minerals are classified based on physical characteristics.

Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday – Will will begin a small project called Mighty Minerals.  Students will be assigned a mineral that they will research, determining the different physical characteristics, and and how it is used.


September 24

Lesson Plans: Sept. 25th – 29th

Monday – We will learn how to convert metric units of volume and mass, and have a practice worksheet to complete with lesson.

Tuesday & Wednesday – We will take what we’ve learned on mass and volume in order to determine the density of an object. Students will learn how to calculate density and how an object’s density determines whether it will sink or float.

Thursday & Friday – We will begin looking at some of the physical characteristics of minerals, their composition, and how they occur naturally. Students will also learn how minerals are classified based on physical characteristics.

September 18

Lesson Plans: September 18th – 22nd

Monday – Smarter Everyday Science Video. We will watch a fun video on the future of metalworking called roboforming.

Tuesday & Wednesday – We will start our 2nd unit, Physical Properties of Materials, by looking at what mass is and how it is measured and expressed.  We will also learn how changes in size and shape affect the mass of an object, and distinguish the difference between mass and weight.

Thursday & Friday – We will look at volume, and how it is different from mass.  We will also compare the methods by which volume is measured for solids, liquids, and gases.